Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

 We are committed to protecting the privacy of our website visitors. This Privacy Policy sets out how we will treat all personal information which arises out of your use of this 'Site'.

 Although we will attempt to notify you when major changes are made to this Privacy Policy via email or the Site News section, you should periodically review the most up-to-date version. We may modify or revise any part of this Privacy Policy or of the Site’s Terms of Service at any time in our sole discretion and you agree to be bound by such modifications or revisions with or without notice.

 Personal Information Collected

 We may collect, use or store the following types of personal information:

  1. a) Information that you provide to us for the purposes of registering on the Site, including your email address, first name, last name, age (over 18).
  2. b) Information relating to your use of the Site including pages visited, referral source, length of page visits, website navigation and browsing preferences.
  3. c) Information relating to your computer and geographical location, including your IP address, geographical location, browser type and version and operating system.
  4. d) Information relating to your interactions with the Site, including but not limited to, emails and messages to us and any other interactions you make with us or other users while you access the Site.
  5. e) Any other relevant personal information relating to your use of the Site.

 Use of Personal Information

 Information collected when registering as a Member on the Site may be used for all the purposes set out within this Privacy Policy or any further purposes which may be specified throughout the Site.

In particular, your Personal Information may be used for the following purposes:

 a) To enable us to improve the site design, navigation, settings and overall experience of the Site by monitoring and evaluating how the Site is used and interacted with.

  1. b) We may monitor the geographical location of our Users and the Inbound links they have used to originally visit the Site, in order to monitor where website traffic is coming from and to evaluate the success of any promotions or work done which was intended to increase traffic.
  2. c) We may use information related to your browsing history on the Site, including but not limited to the types of pages visited and how frequent, the photos and videos downloaded or viewed, messages to us or other users, length of time on each page and the types of services and features used.
  3. e) Private Information which is provided when registering on the Site, such as First name, Last name, Age (over 18), are treated confidentially and are never shared with other users of the Site or unauthorised 3rd parties. Please see 'Protection and Use of Private Information' below for further information on how this information might be used.
  4. f) To enable us to monitor the behaviour of Users and to properly ensure that the Site is being used responsibly, legally, appropriately and within the site's standard Terms of Service.


 g) We request that all new Users confirm that they are eligible and legally permitted to Register on to the Site by being 18 years old and above in accordance with our Terms of Service.

 Email Address

 h) We will never share your email address (or any other identifiable personal information) with Unauthorised 3rd parties, such as a mailing list or direct marketing company.

  1. i) When you Register you can opt-in to our Mailing List for Newsletters and Updates relating to the Site. You can opt-out of receiving these emails at any time. Once removed from our mailing list you will no longer receive newsletters or updates related to the Site. You may however, very rarely, receive emails of highly significant importance, either related to your account or highly significant news related to us, our company or the Site.
  2. j) We will send you an email when you Register in order to verify that you are the actual owner of the email address provided. This helps to prevent people from registering multiple accounts too easily or operating spamming practices.
  3. k) Your email address will also be used to send you your password if you request to have it sent through our 'Forgotten password' procedure.

 Protection and Use of Confidential and Private Information

 During the Registration Process we request various forms of Private information such as Name, Email Address, Age (over 18). This information is always treated as confidential and is never shared with other any other users on the Site, nor is any information available to persons outside the immediate group of trusted employees or agents operating the Site. Such trusted employees or agents will only very rarely ever need to access such Information, for reasons in accordance with this Privacy Policy or to the extent required by law, and such access would always be made under strictly confidential conditions.

  1. a) No Private Information will ever be utilised for direct marketing or profit purposes by selling, exchanging or through agreement with any unauthorised 3rd party and we would always be sure to receive such User’s authorisation and confirmation before using any Private Information for these purposes.
  2. b) Private Information may, however, be collated in order to collect and store statistics or overall data related to the use of the Site and to our Registered Users (eg We may wish to measure how many users are based in a certain country or calculate the average age of all the users on the site). As well as being used for our own strategic purposes, such data may be shared or exchanged with 3rd parties, however it will always be presented in a way that individual users are not identifiable and any possibly exploitable personal information is not displayed.
  3. c) We reserve the right to notify any relevant Protective or Governmental authorities (eg Police) using any provided Private Information if we suspect or determine, in our own discretion, that a User may have or there is a significant risk that a User has, engaged in actions relating to or in the course of using the Site or associated services that may be illegal or potentially harmful to themselves or others. We will always disclose any Private Information required to any Relevant Protective Authority when requested to do so to the extent required by law.
  4. d) We will take all reasonable technical and organisational precautions to protect against the loss, misuse or alteration of any of the Personal Information we gather through the Site and we will only ever store Private Information that we gather on our secure (Password & Firewall-Protected) Servers. Note however; Data transmission over the web is inherently insecure so we can never completely guarantee the security of any data sent to our Servers.
  5. e) You are responsible for keeping your password and User Account details confidential. Only when signing in to the Site will we ever request your password from you and all Users' passwords are stored on our Servers in a securely-encrypted format.

 Cookies Policy

 A cookie is information which is sent to your web browser from our server and is stored there - either for the duration only of your visit to the Site (using "Session Cookies") or for a fixed period of time (using "Persistent Cookies") - in order to send communication and information from your browser to our Server, or indeed to the server of any other 3rd party who may send you cookies. Such communication between Browser and Server enables a web server to identify, analyse, track or otherwise make use of certain data from your web browser.

  1. a) We use a Session Cookie whenever you visit the site in order to properly identify you as you move throughout the site. More specifically, this Session Cookie is used so that you are recognised as 'Logged in' as you navigate from page to page and so do not have to log in each time you visit a new page. Session Cookies are always deleted as soon as you close your web browser.
  2. b) We may also need to use a Session Cookie on the Site when a User is shopping or purchasing items (eg site credit or site membership packages) so that any items added into the ‘basket’ are all available at the end of the session within the ‘Checkout’ Section.
  3. e) Any Payment Processors which you can access through the site may also send cookies to your browser in order to properly track and identify you when you use their services. These cookies are used only to ensure secure and reliable identification while you follow any payment or money-related procedures or services.
  4. f) Through our Site’s Affiliate Programme, any Users who access our Site through an Affiliate link (or Affiliate advert) on the web will have a Persistent Cookie installed on their browser. This Cookie will automatically expire and be deleted a pre-determined period, usually 1 to 30 days. Using this Cookie we can identify if any specific users - who have accessed our Site through an Affiliate advert - make any purchases or complete any significant transactions on the Site, thereby enabling us to calculate the payment amounts due to the Members of our Affiliate Programme.
  5. g) Web browsers all have various settings on how you can handle Cookies. You can always delete all Cookies stored on your browser through its History Settings. You can also change the Options so that the browser can refuse access to All or Certain types of Cookies. Refusing access to Cookies through your browser however is likely to reduce the amount of services and sites you are able to access over the web and impact on your browsing experience.

 External Links

 Certain aspects of the Site, including but without limitation to, the credit card payment processors or video playing software, may not be associated with our Service and so are classed as 3rd party applications. These applications may require Users to download and install additional software onto their computers or may require users to agree to a separate Terms of Service or Privacy Policy before using or installing such applications.

We are in no way responsible for the Privacy Policies or practices of any other websites or external links which are accessed or made available through the Site.

 Right to be Removed

 You may cease to use the Site and its associated features and services at any time. If you wish to remove your Private Information from our database you may do so by contacting us. Once you have done this and we are satisfied that your account has been removed from our database in accordance with your request, you will no longer be able to access it and, furthermore, you will no longer be able to access, modify or remove any information which you might have previously submitted to the Site and which remain may remain within its Content.

 Right to Access Information

 You can request that we provide you with the details of any Private and Personal Information we hold about you. We will do so, subject however, to the amount that we may be prevented from doing so, or may wish to withhold from doing so, to the extent provided or permitted by law. Any such requests would also require:

  1. a) Payment of an administration fee.
  2. b) Supply of appropriate evidence of your identity (such as a certified copy of your passport or drivers licence)


 The data controller responsible for managing and collecting the Data through this site is Cloudtech HQ. Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions or queries relating to this Privacy Policy or the Site's Terms of Service.  Email: